Septarian (Dragon Stone)
Sources: Australia, United States, Canada, Spain, England, New Zealand, Madagascar
Mohs Hardness: 3-4
Chakra(s): Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Astrological Compatibility: Taurus
Treats/Benefits: Metabolism
- Gives one the confidence needed for public speaking and helps to gain an audience’s attention.
- Allows for better tolerance and patience, as well as emotional flexibility.
- It can gauge the underlying cause of an illness when meditated upon, and focuses the body into healing itself.
- Can absorb energy when held over a period of time and transmits that energy into strength when needed.
- Known to strengthen and rejuvenate the heart and heal the emotional body.
- One of the best stones for anyone who is strictly looking to work on themselves so that they may be better for the ones closest to them.
- As this stones vibrations imbue your heart with love, courage, and power, you’ll notice yourself radiating that energy to others.